Here's our Goldendoodle #hempdog, Remi! Technically, he's my son's dog.
Remi imprinted on Reagan like white on rice and is hardly ever away from his side. He follows him around and watches him like a hawk. I like to think of Remi as a toddler with separation anxiety from being away from his parent.

Did you know that much like humans, pets can benefit from CBD? Actually, all mammals have an endocannabinoid system and can benefit from CBD.
We have started Remi on CBD to see if this will help his separation anxiety. CBD has been known to help pets with stress (think loud noises and fireworks), anxiety (going to the vet), pain, and inflammation.
I know it seems silly, but sometimes our pets are like our own children.
We carry a bacon-flavored tincture that most dogs love, two different treats, steak bites, and a cheddar-flavored biscuit.
Would love to help your furry friend!Â